Monday, August 8, 2011


August 8, 2011
Living Room
Orange Park, FL

My family as a whole is making a lifestyle change.  To be healthy, exercise needs to part of that equation.  This picture is of mine, my son & daughter's running shoes.  It is kind of funny, we all pretty much wear the same size shoe.  I tried my son's shoes on the other day, and they kind of freaked me out.  It is so weird to think in a few years he will be taller than me.  My daughter is still a few inches shorter than me, but we can wear the same clothes lol.
The quote says:
Running is real and relatively simple...but it ain't easy.
Isn't that the truth!

1 comment:

  1. fantastic angle and love it in B/W. Good luck and stay motivated...and maybe in your 'spare' time you could motivate me too- I'm starting Zumba next week :D
