Monday, January 2, 2012

2-365 Bokeh

Tonight, I was playing around with my settings on my camera.  Perfect opportunity to learn more about bokeh, with a Christmas tree still up in the living room.  I am pretty proud of myself.  All manual settings, and manual focus on my about scary folks lol.   I'm sharing more than one photo today, only because I think these are cool, and all completely unedited.  It is all about baby steps :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1-365 (2012)

So my journey is at day 1.  I don't know if I will blog everyday, but surely I will be taking pictures everyday.  My goal this year is to learn my camera, and be proficient in photography lingo...f-stop, iso, shutter speed is slowly becoming engrained in my brain.  I want it all to become seamless and easy.  Hopefully by the end of the year, my skills will have grown.
I want to have fun, learn, absorb, but more importantly, not put pressure on myself, to be myself and try not to compare myself to others and their journey.  
So, today's photo...isn't something to write home about.  It is about organization.  I would love for everything in my home to have it's own place.  This week, I will be purging and organizing.  These containers are for my ever growing craft supply.  Maybe later on, I will have another picture with how I put these babies to work.
Happy New Year!
Bring on has to be better than 2011.