Monday, August 29, 2011



Sad face...begging me to take him to go to Game Stop lol.
I ended up using this picture for a Christmas layout.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Wannamaker Park
N. Charleston, SC

Doesn't this face just melt your heart?  We drove 5 hours one way (stayed the night) just to be at his 2nd birthday.  He was playing with some silly puddy, turned his head and looked at me so serious. 2 year olds are not known for staying still, so I'm so glad I got this calm picture :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011



August 27, 2011
East Bay St.
Charleston, SC

We were strolling downtown, and I took this picture.  I actually really love the unedited picture and how the sky kind of looks purple.  We have lived in Charleston twice.  How lucky to have been stationed there twice...sigh.  Anyhow, we consider Charleston our home away from home.  It is my most favorite Southern city...heck, it may even be my favorite city.  The food, the beauty, the slow pace, it all kind of makes my heart melt.

Friday, August 26, 2011


August 26, 2011
Bruster's Ice Cream

You take a teen for ice cream, hoping to catch a smile...negative, she covers her face.  Well, I'm blogging it anyways lol...

Thursday, August 25, 2011


morning drive dropping Kendall off

Dude, the clouds looked so crazy from Hurricane Irene!  I didn't have my camera so I took this with my iPhone.  Man I love that thing.  Don' the clouds look so spooky?

Just a few hours later, it was I have two photos for today :)

21.365 take 2
August 25, 2011
Orange Park, FL

I was riding my bike in our subdivision, and snapped this photo.  A car was waiting for me to cross the street, so I didn't have time to really think about this shot.  When I look at it, it makes me think of home.  We have lived here for almost 3 years, the longest we have been stationed somewhere in 12 years.  Crazy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


August 24, 2011
My bedroom

It was thunder-storming, I had my venti white mocha latte, and he had his hot chocolate.  We laid in bed and teched out.  He was on his laptop, and I was on my iPad and laptop.  I didn't have my camera next to me, so I took this picture and edited it with my iPad.  We are a family who loves technology and comfy beds :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


August 23, 2011
High School Open House

She was secretly dying inside knowing I had my camera in my purse.  I made sure the hall was clear, and then asked her if I could take some pictures of her.  They turned out super cute!  This one is one of my favorites.
she doesn't let me take pictures of her very often, so it meant a lot for me to be able to take these in front of her peers.

Monday, August 22, 2011


August 22, 2011
Living Room
Orange Park, FL

So what do you do when it is storming outside, you have no light, and you can't think of anything to photograph inside?  You start taking pictures of your children and annoying them.  He is such a good him!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


August 21, 2011
Whole Foods
Jacksonville, FL

Sunday shopping at Whole Foods.  My favorite spots are the cheese, sweets & bread counters.  Yummo!!  I ended up getting the chocolate ganache cheesecake.  Yes it was as good as it sounds.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


August 20, 2011
Miller's Brew House
Orange Park, FL

Hubby and I had a little date night.  Nothing fancy, just us, a table full of appetizers and a bucket of bud light (it was only $10 or I would have had a Blue Moon) and no children.  I had shrimp that were doused in medium buffalo sauce & garlic sauce...then I would dip it in unhealthy but sooooo good!

Friday, August 19, 2011


August 19, 2011
Mixx Restaurant
Jacksonville Beach, FL

Girlfriends are little gifts from God that let you know everything is going to be okay.
We had great food, wonderful conversation, delicious drinks and heavenly desserts (I had butterscotch creme good!)  Our waiter took this picture, and this was the only picture taken on Friday, so I cropped/edited it a little, and it's my picture for today :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011


August 18, 2011
Buckman Bridge
Jacksonville, FL

Can you see?  It's a double rainbow!  It was sprinkling, very overcast, and we were driving 70 mph over a bridge, but I am so happy that the rainbow showed up in this picture.

I added a few lines from one of my favorite songs (Somewhere Over the Rainbow).  My favorite is the Louis Armstrong Ukulele version.

"...Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare dream, really do come true..."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


August 17, 2011
Kohls Parking lot
iPhone picture
Orange Park, FL

School had started, and Kendall's cross country practice started on the first day of school and needed a few things.  Jess and I made a trip to Kohls to buy socks.  It came to $120 (for socks & one pair of running shorts), but we saved $79.  When did socks get so expensive?
It had been raining off and on all day, and I realized that I needed to take a picture.  I didn't have my camera with me, but I did have my trusty iPhone (gosh I love that thing).  I originally wanted to take a picture of a cool thunder cloud forming, but this looks prettier :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


August 16, 2011
Behind house
Orange Park, FL

I had a very rough night, and was up until 5 am.  Not how I envisioned the children's first day of school going in the morning.  However, my husband made them breakfast, their lunches, took them to school, and for the first time took pictures in the morning.  Our artistic eye isn't the same, but I give him credit...the man took a ton of pictures for me!  So while I didn't take this picture, I did edit it.  That still counts right?
So, here is Jacob on his first day of 5th grade.  He has very sensitive blue eyes, so trying to take a picture in the morning (when it is glaring) isn't the easiest job.  This is his, hurry and take the picture, I can't smile or open my eyes any longer look lol.  

Monday, August 15, 2011


August 15, 2011
Oakleaf Plantation
Orange Park, FL

We were on our way home, and I saw the sun was setting (fast at that).  So I pulled over so I could snap this picture.  By the time I had got back into the car, the sunset was barely visible over the tree line.   I love how pretty the gradient in sunsets are. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011


August 14, 2011
Forever 21
Jacksonville, FL

School shopping with a teenager can be interesting.  Actually, just shopping in general.  Kendall's school has so many dress code regulations, that it makes it really hard to just grab whatever you think is cute.  You have to think about how long the skirt/shorts are, if the jeans are too tight, if the tank top has thick enough straps etc...
As we were shopping, I noticed that the 80's style is back in a big way.  There were bowls full of bangle bracelets on tables, so I couldn't help myself in taking a picture.  

Saturday, August 13, 2011


August 13, 2011
Orange Park, FL

I spent all day cooking.  I made pulled pork, spicy cole-slaw & beans.  The pork took around 6 hours and the beans took around 4.  By the time we ate dinner, we were salivating lol.  Smelling the food cook was torture, but a good kind, just knowing we were going to be able to eat this yummy goodness.
This is a picture of the sandwiches we ate, the beans were in a small bowl next to the sandwiches.  I thought I picked all the jalapenos out of the slaw, but one found its way, so I had to eat some of the pork/slaw with sour cream (the pork was spicy too).  Yummy meal for sure.

Friday, August 12, 2011


August 12, 2001
Suburban at a stop light
Jacksonville, FL

Jess and I had a date night, and it was about to storm.  I knew it was going to be hard to get a good picture if it was pouring so, we took a picture in the car at a stop light. We went to the beach, met a few of his co-workers for happy hour, then ended up staying a lot later than we intended.  I did have fun, it was weird being the only girl out, until a couple showed up.  We went to a few bars, people watched, I swing danced with one of Jess's friends, and ended the night at a wine & cigar bar.  I take that back, once we left the cigar place, I was hungry, so we went to the Waffle House.  I should have taken a few pictures there!  There are some sketchy people at the Waffle House at 1:45 am lol.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


August 11, 2011
Jacob's bike
Oakleaf Plantation
Orange Park, FL

Growing up in California, all of the "cool" kids had these license plates for the back of their bikes.  Having an unusual name like Latisha, I could never get anything personalized.  No license plates, no pencils, no barrettes (do you remember those?)...nothing ever had my name, and it was sad.  It made me wish I was a Jenny, Sara, or Melissa, but now that I am older, I love my name and I couldn't be anything other than a Latisha.
I don't know if we got Jacob this for him, or a relative back home...either way, it's way cool!  Both Jess and I are getting to re-live a part of our childhood through this :)
As part of our family becoming healthier, we went on a bike ride to the grocery store.  But first, let me set the mood for you.  It is 100 degrees not including the humidity, and when you walk out side it feels like you are in a sauna or a blow dryer is blowing in your face, but without the wind.  So it is Africa hot, going on a bike ride and the kids are coming along.  I'm not going to lie, this frightened me.  Heat and kids doesn't mix well sometimes.  But, I have to say they did so good!
We biked 10 miles, and I am so proud of myself.
Today I kind of had an aha moment.  No matter how much my husband tries to get our children to exercise more, they are never going to do it, unless they see me doing it with them.  I am responsible for my families health, after all I am the one who does the shopping, cooks, and puts the food they are going to eat in front of them.  I need to be more pro-active, and more of an example for them.

**I took this picture as I was riding a bike :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


August 10, 2011
Husband's t-shirt, living room
Orange Park, FL

Another day of rain, another late night realizing I needed to take a picture.  I took a picture of my husband on the computer, a close up of his face, a picture of my feet and his thumb...but they were not quality photos because of how dark it was inside.  Then I saw the shirt my husband was wearing.  He bought it at a Jack Johnson concert that we went to, around 6 years ago.  Actually, I made him buy it, and it turns out it is one of his favorite shirts that he wears.  The "In Between Dreams" album is so good.  Maybe I feel that way because the songs have memories attached to them.  Jack Johnson is a family favorite in my house...we all enjoy his music.  He is just chill, and I like that.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


August 9, 2011
Ted Montana's Grill
Orange Park, FL

The weather has been rainy lately, and it is a little depressing.  I don't like to complain about the weather, so instead I will be grateful for the rain & beautiful thunderstorms I get to watch.
Everything is geared for the outdoors, living in Florida.  So when it rains, there isn't too much to do besides go to a mall, or watch a movie, or stay home.  My kids were getting cabin fever, and I didn't want to cook.  So, we went to Ted's Montana Grill.  They have amazing hamburgers.  We ordered chip's & dip, then the 4 of us split three burgers & shared the fries/onion rings.  One burger is just too much to eat, plus this way we got to try a few.
As it was pouring outside, I realized I forgot my camera.  However, I did have my iPhone 4, to snap this picture of the kids.  Ted's keeps the place really dark and intimate (which I like).  I used the Photo+ app to crop and edit the photo.  I am kind of addicted to photo apps on my iPhone & iPad.  Love them.

Monday, August 8, 2011


August 8, 2011
Living Room
Orange Park, FL

My family as a whole is making a lifestyle change.  To be healthy, exercise needs to part of that equation.  This picture is of mine, my son & daughter's running shoes.  It is kind of funny, we all pretty much wear the same size shoe.  I tried my son's shoes on the other day, and they kind of freaked me out.  It is so weird to think in a few years he will be taller than me.  My daughter is still a few inches shorter than me, but we can wear the same clothes lol.
The quote says:
Running is real and relatively simple...but it ain't easy.
Isn't that the truth!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


August 7, 2011
Backyard at my house
Orange Park, FL

Well, it was another rainy day in paradise.  I didn't expect this to be this hard.  Trying to remember to take a meaningful photo, isn't as easy as it sounds.  Especially when it is thunderstorming outside, and it is pretty dark.  There was a brief moment in between storms, and I went outside to try and find something to photograph, and I saw this tree that had a few flowers blooming.  The original photo, was quite grey, and you couldn't see the blue in the sky very well.  After around 30 minutes or so of editing I got some color out after all.  I think if I were to re-edit, I would crop the photo...that is one thing I didn't do.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


August 6, 2011
Orange Park, FL

The weather here has been hot, humid and very stormy.  I think that tropical storm/depression that was in the caribbean has been making it extra rainy here?  Just my non weatherman opinion.  So, around 7pm at night, I realized I had not taken a picture while I was in Target.  I knew it was dark outside, and had no natural light to work with, so I took a picture of my coffee.  The Target by my house has a Starbucks inside of it.  Since I live in suburbia, and it takes 30-45 minutes to get anywhere.  Having a Starbucks nearby is one of the little things that makes me happy.  This photo was taken with my iPhone.
This White Chocolate Mocha is happiness in a cup.


August 5, 2011
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Banana Creek
Kennedy Space Center 

There are not too many great things about going through a deployment.  The administrator of NASA, Charlie Bolden, invited HS-11 to attend the Juno rocket launch, because they just returned from a 6+ month deployment.  Going to NASA and watching some kind of launch has always been on my "bucket list" so we were not going to pass up this opportunity.  
We left the house around 6am, picked up a few of Kendall's friends and drove 155 miles to Cape Canaveral.  We were in such a rush to get there, that we didn't have time to stop at Starbucks.  So, once we got off the highway, we stopped at a gas station so I could get some caffeine in me, and some gatorade for the kids.
It ended up being extremely, extremely hot.  We were all so sweaty.  It was so humid, it felt like a heater was blowing in my face, but there wasn't any wind.  The launch was delayed for a little over an hour because they thought there might be a helium leak.  So, while NASA figured out what was wrong, the crowd of people sat outside and waited.
We were fanning ourselves with our Juno Launch guest lanyards.  So I snapped this picture of Jacob as he was holding it in his hand.  This is the edited version of this picture, it isn't a straight out of the camera shot.  I added in some black for contrast, and faded the picture just a little, which made Jacob's hands look a little textured.
I chose this picture as my first picture to post on this blog, because like the rocket that is going out to explore & discover new things, I wish to do the same this year.  Taking a picture everyday, is a really huge commitment.  Luckily, I have a group of friends that will keep me accountable.